How to run Ant with a renamed build file in terminal

By default, Ant is looking for a file named build.xml in the current directory. If you don’t want to rename the file or the file is in another directory you can specify the file name or path by using the -buildfile option. You can also use -file or -f to achieve the same behaviour. After […]

How to ignore previously committed files in Git

Recently I started to work with the IntelliJ IDEA. As I pulled an old project I have seen that it contains Eclipse project files. My first task was to clean up my project and add the Eclipse and IntelliJ files to .gitignore. To get rid of the Eclipse files from the repository I used the […]

How to kill a process by port number

Today, I wanted to run my Tomcat server, but for some reason, the old instance was still running. The terminal returns the following message: The message is quite clear, but how to kill the server. I will show you how you can achieve this for Unix and Windows. As first you need to figure out […]

Installing Java on OSX using Homebrew

There was a time where I have installed all my applications by downloading it from the provider or a page I trust. Then I became familiar with Homebrew and decided to manage all my applications with this tool. As the first step, I need to uninstall Java, which is installed the old fashion way. How to […]

Log a class with specific appender in Log4J

Log4J is a useful tool to log information from your application and write it into a separate file. In a big application, multiple entries from different classes are writing into the same file and it’s hard to follow the application flow for a specific class. For that reason, you can define an own appender for […]

How to display custom task in Gradle Task view

In Eclipse you can use the Gradle Buildship tooling to create a gradle projects and perform it’s tasks. These task could be triggered by the ‘Gradle Task’ view. The view shows all gradle projects, which could be expand to see the task ordered in groups. But why I don’t see my custom tasks in this […]

Resourcenverwaltung im Standard Widget Tool (SWT)

Warum Ressourcen verwalten? Das Betriebssystem stellt jeder Applikation eine endliche Menge an sogenannten “Handles” zur Verfügung. Diese Handles sind Referenzen auf Systemressourcen. Bei der Entwicklung einer Applikation können Objekte instanziiert werden, die auf diese Handles zugreifen. Sie werden solange reserviert bis sie von der Applikation wieder freigegeben werden. Passiert dies nicht, werden Systemressourcen blockiert, die […]

Eclipse 4 «Hello World» RCP Applikation

Mit dem Eclipse Framework lassen sich Applikationen erstellen, die mit einer Codebasis auf unterschiedlichen Betriebssystemen (Mac, Windows, Linux oder Solar) laufen, die Benutzeroberfläche des Betriebssystems übernehmen, erweiterbar, flexibel, testbar und einfach und schnell erstellt sind.

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